One travel reviews in Italy 3
One travel reviews , best places to shop in Rome Via Borgogniama Title for months Italian brands and is located close to the market condition, find a great shop bearing the signatures of famous designers such as Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi and Ferre and Givenchy, Versace, and from it you can reach by walking to Piazza DI Spagna famous as a tourist and business, where there is a house Missoni and Krizia Fashion elegant. Via Dei Coronari In the past, this market Gladiator selling rosaries, icons and everything related to the Christian pilgrimage in the Vatican, but he turned the day into an important destination for lovers of artifacts, but beware of fraud Some of the pieces may be imported and not worth asking price . Via Del Babuino One travel reviews said that this market is the most elegant and prestigious compared with markets, Rome Other no less affair, meet the famous brands such as Armani, Chanel, Tiffany & Co, with most shops sel...